Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mendocino Coast Town Trip

Favorite Treats from a locally famous fruit stand
Lovely tunnel through the redwood trees

Found a new favorite lunch joint called Mendo Burgers- The Patrons are super awesome and the friendly feel is equaled only by the food- you can find these two in Sunset Magazine soon

The "Big Dog" burger- my first hot dog on a hamburger bun
Gardens are bar-none in Mendo!
Cute Cozy Cabin
A must have from the Chocolate Haus- Enormous Fresh Raspberries embedded in white chocolate silk
A refreshing hike through the bluffs and sand
So Beautiful!
True Sea Grass
This spot was paradise- tiny yellow blossoms were floating through the air while a tiny waterfall dripped down the rock face
Natural rattlesnake grass- a childhood favorite
And a hidden warf!
Growing up in Ukiah, California, was kind of a treat and not at the same time. Regardless of my feelings of growing up there, visiting is always a treat. My favorite thing to do in Ukiah is to visit my favorite neighboring towns. (I caught the irony) On our first day Robert and I drove the scenic route through Boonville to the coastal town of Mendocino. Here is my kinda-sorta photo journal of the day and our carefree adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love Mendo! Thanks for sharing the images.
